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This is only the first page of my two-page comic. I drew it in pencil (a bit faintly) and marked the panels that would have text. The text was derived from the script. To get from this rough cut to the final product, I took the paper copy, scanned it, and traced and color in the comic in Adobe Illustrator. 


One issue I needed to address before doing this was the purpose of the sprites, the little fairy creatures floating around and leading the main character to each building. I wanted them to each of them be seen as a guide, a driving force to choose one of the two buildings. With the lack of color with the graphite, it difficult to see this. In the final product, they are colored. There was also the question of whether they were necessary in the first place. From justing looking at this rough cut, I can see why that would be an issue. I resolved to make the sprites importance more apparent on the second page of the comic.


Beyond the technical difficulties like scanning and coloring, my biggest struggle for this project was how I wanted the main character to arrive at the end. I knew from the beginning what I wanted the ending to look like: the girl watching as people arrive at the intersection between the Sciences and the Humanities.


Halfway through this story, the girl needed to make a choice between what she wanted to "live with," in real life metaphorically and in the comic literally. I could have had her choose the Humanities, to signify clearly signify the equal value between the fields of study. However, I believed that I could still do the same by having her choose the Sciences. In the end, I did have her choose the Sciences. But shortly afterward, I had her come back to the Humanities to obtain more knowledge and skill from it. I thought this was a become idea because she would actually be performing the action of bridging the two worlds together, via herself.

The Rough Cut

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